Do you ever get that niggling feeling that something just
isn’t quite right? Those butterflies in your stomach, your heart beating just
that bit too fast, sweaty palms, inability to think clearly or remember the
correct words to say? Do you ever find yourself lying in bed at night unable to
sleep as concerns and thoughts travel unnecessarily through your mind? Do you
go about your day-to-day life feeling slightly unsettled despite nothing being
seriously wrong?
Do you wish for the sense of inner peace and clarity? Do you
long to just feel yourself without these unpleasant thoughts or feelings?
Anxiety is something I personally have suffered from my
whole life. It prevents you from truly being yourself as you are so caught up
in these unpleasant feelings, unable to fully relax and just be. Throughout my
life I have taken a back seat due to unfounded fears and worries. I have said
no to social events, said no to expressing my true opinions and feelings and by
doing this essentially said no to allowing myself to be fully accepted for who
I am.
Back at school I remember how terrifying it was to simply
put my hand up in class to answer a question or contribute to a discussion. There
were so many inescapable thoughts going around in my head.
‘What if my answer is stupid and everyone thinks less of
‘What if my beliefs are not in sync with those of my
classmates and I am no longer accepted?’
‘What if all the attention is on me
and I mess up?’
Not to mention the horrible physical sensations when I
merely thought about putting up my hand to contribute. The pounding of my
heart, the blurriness of my mind and the feeling that I am no longer grounded
in my body. For me the journey has been an interesting one leading me through a
lot of self-discovery and ultimately to my career. I have been determined to
constantly work on my self-development and use the tools I have learned to then
help others. Although I cant say I have 100% eliminated all feelings of anxiety
I certainly have come a substantially large way since those teenage years and
have learned many tools for coping and ways of balancing the nervous system so
my feelings will never return to the way they were back in my insecure
childhood days.
Being a teenager I thought I was the only one who
experienced such feelings and thoughts. But did you know that anxiety affects
more than 2 million Australians? Many of us experience some form of these
feelings on a day-to-day basis and simply do not know what to do to stop them
or even that there is a way out of these reoccurring situations.
There are many questions I often ask:
Why is anxiety so prevalent in our society?
Why does the number of people suffering appear to be
increasing from year to year?
Why do people think it is just a part of who they are and
that nothing can be done about it?
Why does seeking help appear to be such a taboo?
There are many factors that contribute to anxiety including:
Ongoing stress
Family history of mental health issues
Depression, insomnia or other mental health
Personality factors
Chronic physical illness
Substance abuse
Dietary factors
Poor gut health
There are also several health risks associated with ongoing
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Respiratory disease
Cardiovascular disease
So what exactly is anxiety?
Anxiety presents with ‘feelings of worry, nervousness, or a
sense of apprehension, typically about an upcoming event where the outcome is
uncertain, or whether the person feels he or she might not be up to the task’.
Signs and symptoms of anxiety:
Feelings of worry or anxious thoughts
Situation avoidance
Poor concentration
Accelerated heart rate
Sweaty or clammy skin
Gastrointestinal upset
There are also several types of anxiety disorders including:
Generalised anxiety disorder
Panic disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
As anxiety is so multifactorial with many different possible
causes it is important to seek help with a health care practitioner in order to
truly work through the condition and establish the underlying cause. However,
there are some more generalised treatments that may be of benefit to all those
who are suffering and that can be incorporated into your treatment plan or used
as a treatment for less severe anxiety conditions.
Relaxation techniques are of utmost importance
in these conditions. These should be incorporated into your daily routine. Relaxation
techniques include deep breathing, mediation, mindfulness, aromatherapy or yoga
as some examples. It is important for the individual to establish which
technique works best for them and then make a commitment to practicing that
technique daily.
Focus on creating a mindful attitude in life.
This means actively focusing on the present moment rather than allowing your
thoughts to travel to the ‘what ifs’ of the future. This is something that
takes a fair amount of practice before it can be mastered for most people. The
best way to being mindful is to create a specific scenario daily where you can
be fully present and focus purely on this activity. For example one of my
favourite daily rituals is to start my day with apple cider vinegar in warm
water. I take this outside and stand in my garden when I drink it. As I take
each sip I focus on a particular plant. I analyse the colour, texture and shape
of the leave. I make sure my full attention is on this plant and its beauty and
do not allow my thoughts to wonder off into the day ahead. For me, using nature
is one of the easiest ways to bring myself into the present moment.
Identify your triggers or causes for the anxiety
and work out a solution. For example if you give presentations at work
regularly and the fear of speaking in public is causing you grief then your
solution would be to make sure you are prepared for each presentation. You will
find if you arrive well prepared, with plenty of practice, your anxiety about
the situation will lessen, as you know exactly what it is you are going to say.
Also write a list of all potential questions you may be asked and prepare
appropriate answers.
Dietary changes can have a huge impact on
anxiety and mental health. Certain foods increase anxiety and should be avoided
or reduced. These include caffeine, nicotine, sugar, gluten, alcohol, processed
food and refined carbohydrates. All of these substances have been shown for
different reasons to upset the nervous system and contribute to feelings of
anxiety (even if initially they may provide some relief).
Certain foods should also be increased in the
diet due to their anti-anxiety affect. These include protein especially (meat,
fish, eggs, nuts and seeds), whole grains (gluten free), leafy greens,
fermented foods and avocados.
Supplementation is often initially required to
correct any vitamin or mineral deficiencies that may be a contributing factor.
The main supplements to include in your daily routine are a good quality B
vitamin, magnesium and a probiotic, which includes the Lactobacillus helveticusR0052 and Bifidobacterium longumR0175 strains due to the gut/mood connection.
Herbal medicine can also be of huge benefit.
Kava is a particular herb that has been used in the Fijian custom for decades.
Its anti-anxiety affect is next to none I have seen before in any herb. It is
fast acting, effective and without the known side effects of anti-anxiety
pharmaceuticals. I have prescribed it to many clients and used it myself with
the effects evident within one hour. Kava can be a very useful adjunct to other
treatments, reducing the symptoms as we being to uncover and eliminate the
underlying causes. However, if you have a known liver condition kava should be
Anxiety is a rather complicated and convoluted condition
that too many people have to bear on a day-to-day basis. It is increasing
dramatically in our society and it is my mission to help reduce the suffering
of those who do not see a way out or are unaware that it is not a battle they
must fight daily for the rest of their lives. It is not a personality
characteristic but more a symptoms of un underlying disharmony within the body
that simply needs to be balanced in order for you to heal and find tranquillity.