Obviously this one is not as simple as following a few tips.
It requires effort and our lives are dedicated to constantly striving to reach
our potential. It is however, one of the most important posts I will write.
Everyone wants to be the best version of themselves not just when it comes to a
job but in all aspects of life. I mean how can you be truly happy when you are
not being your best true self and nurturing the amazing person that is YOU!
Here are three important points to be thinking and acting
upon on a daily basis in order to reach your potential.
Stay healthy. Now obviously as a health care
practitioner I have seen the impact that poor health has on people trying to
strive for something bigger. If you don’t look after your health you are not
going to be feeling energetic, happy or motivated. So rather than working
yourself into the ground to achieve great things, take a step back and look at
what will happen in the future. That lifestyle is not sustainable and you will inevitably
crash and have to stop what you are doing anyway. Making sure you are putting
good food into your body, exercising and getting enough sleep will allow you
notice the difference within yourself.
Have a goal in mind and don’t be afraid to fail.
If we stay within our comfort zone we will never grow as people. I took a risk
starting up my own business as a Naturopath and my business would never have
grown if I had just sat in my room waiting for people to come and see me. I had
a goal of the number of clients I wanted to see per week and then I was
proactive about achieving that. I did things out of my comfort zone such as
calling and connecting with other health care professionals and giving talks.
Although these things were daunting for me they also allowed my confidence to
grow and as well as my business. If you don’t have that goal in mind, you won’t
be able to reach it!
Have outside interests from your day job and do
them on a regular basis. How on earth can you reach your potential when you are
not nourishing and exploring who you really are? We all need to work for
survival, and some of us do really enjoy our work but that is only one aspect
of our lives. You need to be able to find other things that you enjoy whether
it be exercise, knitting, baking, reading or writing it is important that you
allow yourself time to try out different activities and discover which ones you
are good at and enjoy the most. This will allow you to flourish in other
aspects of your life.
Be curious, stay accountable for your actions, appreciate
feedback from others and just go out there and enjoy life!

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