Friday, 12 June 2015

Tips for reducing Jet Lag

We all look forward to going on holidays but one thing that tends to detract from the fun is jet lag. The change of time zones can really throw off your body. Here are some simple tips to help you adjust to the change in time zones and reduce the feeling of jet lag.

1.       Get straight back into a proper sleeping patter. Try to avoid napping during the day, wait until night time before going to sleep.

2.       Go outside and look at the moon before bed and get some morning sun first thing in the morning. This helps to reset your body clock.

3.       Take a vitamin B complex in the morning with breakfast

4.       Eat foods rich in tryptophan in the evening so that your body can naturally produce melatonin out circadian rhythm hormone such as turkey, chicken, dairy products, nuts and seeds, dates, oysters.

5.       Stay hydrated. While traveling aim to drink as much water as possible. Avoid dehydrating beverages such as alcohol and caffeine. Drink plenty of water after landing as well as remaining hydrated will significantly reduce the effects of travel.

6.       Get up and walk around the cabin frequently.

7.       Bring snacks on to the plane such as fruit, mixed nuts and seeds or vegetable sticks. Try to minimise plane food, particularly heavy food when traveling.

8.       Take a melatonin supplement on the plane to help you sleep and for the first few nights when arriving at your destination.

9.       Think of the plane as being in the time zone of your destination and use the melatonin accordingly.

10.   If you feel tired and require a coffee or tea make sure they are consumed no later than lunch time and you drink an extra glass of water to aid hydration.

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