Sunday, 19 November 2017

What is my passion? Why I do what I do?

My passion comes from looking at the bigger picture. What scares me most is looking around and seeing the direction our society is headed. I believe that people’s priorities have become distorted and so too have their ability to feel connected, joyful and TRULY and COMPLETELY happy. People think that in order to find happiness, success and acceptance in this world they must work themselves into the ground; often doing something they are not passionate about, often squashing many others on their way to make lots and lots of money. Only then will they feel fulfilled. In my opinion they are wrong.

We have forgotten what is really important and purposeful. Love and being with those we love, family and friends and even the ability to show love and kindness to strangers. Being true to ourselves and following our purpose, our passion and actually living a life where we do what makes us feel happy not what society tells us we should be doing.

My work comes from a broader perspective of wanting to help people tune in to themselves, be authentic and come from a place of wholeness, of love. Because I believe that when we strip away all the superficial crap we are carrying around in our minds, in our bodies, in each and every cells we will be able to access our true potential, our true selves. I feel like this is what has been lost and this is one reason our world is headed the way it is. If you are also afraid for the survival of our planet and mankind as a kind, caring people then stand with me to make a change. Its not easy, change never is especially when it causes you to stand out from the majority but it is necessary.

I refuse to be disheartened, I refuse to give up and let those leading us down a tunnel to darkness win. I also refuse to waste my time and energy fighting with those who do not want to listen. I choose to stand tall, stand strong and continue living the life I choose for myself and for my family. Sometime I look out at this world and think how can I make a difference, how can I help? Its just little old me against the big bad world. But you know what, I have to knock some sense back into myself. Because if everyone who wants to make a difference believed that too where would we be. We must stand tall together, in our own way every bit of difference that can be made is a step in the right direction. Being authentic means always coming from a place of goodness, of love. Because authentically that’s what us humans are, pure love, pure energy. We just have many big industries trying to squander that for their own agendas.

I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, force anyone to believe anything that they do not already. I am calling out to work with people who already get what I am saying. Who want a change for themselves, for their families and for this world. For people who already believe what I believe but just do not know how to make a change, what they can do to help. I am here to guide those of you who share my vision, my passion. I want to work WITH you to create a better world for us, for our children and many future generations to come.

I was asked an interesting question the other day about my opinion on bringing children into the world when we appear to be headed downhill. Do I really want my children to have to be a part of what is going on? My answer is simple. If all of us who see all that is wrong in the world, who want to make a change, an impact, stop having children then what hope does this world have. I refuse to give up hope and live a life as a victim, giving up on society and mankind as a whole. This beautiful planet, these beautiful souls- I will not give up. I will remain positive because I truly believe all hope is not lost. We are not yet at that point. We NEED to keep populating the earth with children raised by us with our belief systems in our environment. I believe that is one of the most powerful things we can do to help save the planet. If the only people having children are money hungry, planet-destroying individuals then there will be no hope for the planet. I believe it is my responsibility to have children and raise them in the way I believe to be best for their health, happiness and the wellbeing of the human race.

Values I need in my clients:
1.     They are responsible for their own health. I am there to support them and educate them but their health is their responsibility not mine. They need to do the work. They also are the only ones who know what their body needs. I will help them rid-themselves of all the crap both physically and emotionally blocking them from being in tune with their bodies and being able to listen to their bodies. The human body is an incredible thing. We have all the answers inside of ourselves, we just need to listen. This can take some time but once we get there the journey is endless joy. They are the only ones who can heal themselves and I take zero responsibility for how they treat their own body.
2.     I work with people who believe in making the planet a better place. People who already without me needing to convince them have an innate knowing that things need to change, that emotions are powerful, that the body is not just physical but also energetic, that chemicals are toxic, that organic is best, that there is more to us and the universe than the physical. I refuse to have to argue or convince, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but to truly be able to give fully to my clients they need to be on board with their belief system. No energy should be wasted in convincing. Educating yes but arguing no. Open mindedness is a must.
3.     Social conscious and environmental conscious is also a must. These are the type of people I can connect with. I need to really be able to connect with my clients to help facilitate their healing. They need to be doing their part to help the world. This may only come once they are feeling better within themselves but it must be within them to begin with. I want to help make a strong group of people who will do the right thing for mother earth and ALL its inhabitants.

How I will be living by my values and doing my bit to help the planet:
Chemical free living- not polluting the environment and myself
Environmental friendliness- recycling, no littering, chemical free
Humans- be kind and compassionate. Show love, smile at strangers, give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and see the good in everyone.
Positive vibes- give positive, loving, healing vibes out into the planet. Send loving energy out into the universe.
Myself- always work on being true to myself, connecting to my core, speaking my truth, nourishing my soul, coming from a place of open heartedness, non judgemental, practice self love and connecting to me/mother earth daily. Fuel my soul with things I love and bring me joy. Fill my body with goodness when it comes to what I ingest and put on my skin.
Work daily to release toxins and emotions that are toxic. Put in what’s good and get rid of what’s bad.
Be kind to myself. Its ok to not always be perfect. Listen to my body and give it what it needs.

The time has come to stop being afraid, to stop squashing our own power to make others feel good, to stop putting everyone else first, to stop being a victim, to stop living by old patterns and to start truly living our purpose. To start surrounding ourselves with like minded people, to start speaking our truth, to start putting ourselves first, to step into our own power, to create new patterns and to start living our soul purpose.

Life is precious, life is short and life must be cherished. No more time can be wasted living a life that was not designed for us.

Dionne xx

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